
North Bay, Ontario, Canada

English for International Communication Institute (EICI) is located in North Bay, Ontario, Canada. The school has been established for 16 years and is registered with the Ministry of Education in Ontario. (BSID No. 665827) Our program is designed for Grade 8 students (aged 13-14 years) and is for an intensive 9 month period. At the beginning of each year a placement test is given and students are then placed in classes based on English level. We offer classes in English Grammar, Reading Comprehension, Writing fluency, Oral Communication, Mathematics, Science, Physical Education and a course about Canada (history, geography, customs,etc.). In the last term higher level English students receive a course in TOEFL preparation. Our school year begins in mid-August and goes to the end of May with 4 weeks off in December to travel home. Our small class sizes ofer the maximum learning environment.
A unique feature about our school is that students are immersed in our language and culture as they live with families in North Bay. Students also enjoy many cultural trips throughout the year. Their education is not strictly limited to the classroom but also broadened by the culture around them.

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393 Main St. E. · North Bay, ON, Canada P1B 1B3


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English for International Communication Institute (EICI)


English for International Communication Institute (EICI) is located in North Bay, Ontario, Canada. The school has been established for 16 years and is registered with the Ministry of Education in Ontario. (BSID No. 665827) Our program is designed for Grade 8 students (aged 13-14 years) and is for an intensive 9 month period. At the beginning of each year a placement test is given and students are then placed in classes based on English level. We offer classes in English Grammar, Reading Comprehension, Writing fluency, Oral Communication, Mathematics, Science, Physical Education and a course about Canada (history, geography, customs,etc.). In the last term higher level English students receive a course in TOEFL preparation. Our school year begins in mid-August and goes to the end of May with 4 weeks off in December to travel home. Our small class sizes ofer the maximum learning environment.
A unique feature about our school is that students are immersed in our language and culture as they live with families in North Bay. Students also enjoy many cultural trips throughout the year. Their education is not strictly limited to the classroom but also broadened by the culture around them.

Other Programs Services

1)Grade 8 students can get their year validated byt Foreign Affairs in Canada. 2) Tuition fee includes health insurance, uniforms, and some school activities.

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