Wilmington, Ohio - a charming, midwestern host community - has been named one of the Best Small Towns in America (http://ci.wilmington.oh.us)! Home of the Banana Split, several prestigious corporations are located here, including the DHL headquarters. Cincinnati, Columbus, and Dayton are all in close proximity.
An opportunity for students 12-18 to travel overseas, gain exposure to a college campus, and work on English skills -- this is perfect for individuals with any of the following goals: Preparation for an extended American host family experience. Preparation for the TOEFL exam. Transition between cultural exchange experiences. Consideration toward future cultural exchange or American college study.A six-week English-intensive program will run June 19th to July 29th.Students with low-intermediate to advanced English proficiency will receive 25-30 hours of English instruction per week. Additional hands-on activities to practice learned skills are also part of the planned curriculum. Students take a proficiency test and are clustered according to their needs - Phase I and Phase II. Those at the higher level will be geared toward TOEFL preparation.
Students will stay on the Wilmington College campus (http://www.wilmington.edu). Each student will have one roommate, sharing bathroom facilities with their hall mates in a college dorm reserved especially for our group. Bedding linens will be provided, but students should plan on bringing their own bath linens.
All-inclusive plan (tuition,...
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