The American Language Institute is located just east of downtown San Diego on the San Diego State University (SDSU) campus. San Diego is the seventh largest city in the U.S. and SDSU, with 30,000 students, is the largest campus in the California State University system. San Diego is located on the Pacific Coast 200 kilometers south of Los Angeles.
The main programs, English for Academic Purposes and Intensive English Communications run from 5 to 19 weeks. These programs include 20-25 hours of instruction. The Intensive English Communications program includes seven levels: 100 (beginning), 101 (beginning), 102 (high beginning), 103 (low intermediate), 104 (intermediate), 105 (high intermediate), 106 (advanced), 107 (high advanced). The English for Academic Purposes program has similar levels.
We help students arrange for housing in residence halls on campus, with homestay families, or in apartments.
Residence Hall: 175 (per week with 14 meals included) Homestay: 500-550 (per month with 14 meals per week included, plus a one-time $80 fee)