ESL Semi-Intensive Program Visa Requirement: F1 student visa The ETLS Semi-Intensive Program is ideal for students who want to learn English while also having time to visit local cities and attractions. Semi-Intensive English Program offers the student 6 levels from beginner to the advanced level. A placement test is applied to our students who are newly registered, or had an extended break from their studies ETLS; in order for them to receive an effective education and to be placed at a suitable level.
ESL Semi-Intensive Program Visa Requirement: F1 student visa The ETLS Semi-Intensive Program is ideal for students who want to learn English while also having time to visit local cities and attractions. Semi-Intensive English Program offers the student 6 levels from beginner to the advanced level. A placement test is applied to our students who are newly registered, or had an extended break from their studies ETLS; in order for them to receive an effective education and to be placed at a suitable level.
single dormatory,double dormatory,apartments (unfurnished),homestays,off-campus
600 for 4 weeks
single dormatory,double dormatory,apartments (unfurnished),homestays,off-campus
600 for 4 weeks
single dormatory,double dormatory,apartments (unfurnished),homestays,off-campus
600 for 4 weeks
single dormatory,double dormatory,apartments (unfurnished),homestays,off-campus
600 for 4 weeks
single dormatory,double dormatory,apartments (unfurnished),homestays,off-campus
600 for 4 weeks