
Our New York school is situated on Seventh Avenue in the heart of Manhattan. The Empire State Building, Macy's department store, Greenwich Village, Times Square, and many more of New York's most beloved sights are only a short walk away.

Our busiest school, Embassy New York is for the student who thrives on activity. In the classroom, you'll be challenged to work at the height of your abilities. After lessons, there are multiple opportunities to put just as much energy into your social life, with the city's many entertainments at your disposal.

Whether you enjoy shopping, museums, eating out, an active night life - or a mix of all of these things - New York is for you. We recommend this school for absolutely unforgettable memories of one of the most famous cities in the world.

With nearly 30 years experience, Embassy is one of the world's premier English language training institutes. It delivers a comprehensive range of modern and consistently popular courses at superb locations throughout the English-speaking world. All courses are designed for practical results, whether measurably improved fluency, formal independent qualifications and certificates or English for entry into university.

Embassy has been recognized for its use of innovative technologies to improve the classroom learning experience. Our classrooms worldwide have digitally enhanced technology to enhance the learning experience, and by 2010 all Embassy classrooms will be equipped with interactive whiteboards.

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328 Seventh Ave · New York, NY, United States 10001


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$1288 /4 wks USD

Embassy CES New York


With nearly 30 years experience, Embassy is one of the world's premier English language training institutes. It delivers a comprehensive range of modern and consistently popular courses at superb locations throughout the English-speaking world. All courses are designed for practical results, whether measurably improved fluency, formal independent qualifications and certificates or English for entry into university.

Embassy has been recognized for its use of innovative technologies to improve the classroom learning experience. Our classrooms worldwide have digitally enhanced technology to enhance the learning experience, and by 2010 all Embassy classrooms will be equipped with interactive whiteboards.

Housing Options

single dormatory


single dormatory,double dormatory,homestays



double dormatory


single dormatory,double dormatory,homestays





single dormatory,double dormatory,homestays



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