
Hawaii Language School is located at 460 Ena Rd. Suite 306, in the convenient Waikiki neighborhood of Honolulu, Hawaii.

Flexibility! This is the key to Hawaii ESL’s approach to learning English. We offer each of our students the flexibility one needs to successfully pursue their goal of mastering English. By blending traditional teacher-assisted classroom learning with the latest on-line technology that RosettaStone, the world’s most popular language software program has to offer, our students can control their financial resources and time they invest in their studies. They can also control the environment of their study by studying at home, with regular on-line feedback and assistance from highly experienced and trained teachers, or by enrolling in classes at our Waikiki school for weeks or months at a time. No matter which approach one selects, one is always free to study at one’s own pace. We are dedicated to eliminating the reasons that students cite when giving up on their dreams to communicate fluently in English.

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460 Ena Rd. Ste. 306 · Honolulu, HI, United States 96815


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Hawaii Language School


Flexibility! This is the key to Hawaii ESL’s approach to learning English. We offer each of our students the flexibility one needs to successfully pursue their goal of mastering English. By blending traditional teacher-assisted classroom learning with the latest on-line technology that RosettaStone, the world’s most popular language software program has to offer, our students can control their financial resources and time they invest in their studies. They can also control the environment of their study by studying at home, with regular on-line feedback and assistance from highly experienced and trained teachers, or by enrolling in classes at our Waikiki school for weeks or months at a time. No matter which approach one selects, one is always free to study at one’s own pace. We are dedicated to eliminating the reasons that students cite when giving up on their dreams to communicate fluently in English.

Other Programs Services

Hawaii Language School is affiliated with Hawaii ESL which supports the study of English. Online and home based instruction available. Holiday tour services also available.

Housing Options

single dormatory


single dormatory,double dormatory,apartments (furnished),off-campus


Determined by student prefereneces

double dormatory


single dormatory,double dormatory,apartments (furnished),off-campus


Determined by student prefereneces

apartments (furnished)


single dormatory,double dormatory,apartments (furnished),off-campus


Determined by student prefereneces



single dormatory,double dormatory,apartments (furnished),off-campus


Determined by student prefereneces

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